What's wrong with my brownie batter?

This recipe has been around for ages (at least 50 known years). Its orginally known as 'lazy man's brownies' because you're not suppose to use a mixer. Its 2sticks butter(melted), 2c sugar, cup and a half flour, 6T cocoa 2T vanilla and 4 eggs. Its suppose to be a kinda chocolaty fudgy brownie. For the last 7(ish) years, its pure luck if it comes out correctly. Instead it comes out more chocolaty, fluffy and cakey. Granted, once was because of self rising flour, but I always accurately measure so its not too much dry ingredients. Has flour or cocoa powder changed since then???


Favorite Answer

If you want your brownies to come out less cakey and more oogey gooey delicious, don't use all four eggs. Try using only two or three eggs next time. That should make them fudgier and less cakey.
