What is the fundamental component of a soul?

I kind of think it's experience...with experience involving meaning (meaning in a way being relations to other experiences) and flow (flow being the sequence of events within the experience).

some people say we are a collection of our experiences.
I really struggle to understand what purpose a soul has outside of physical reality, i mean without the reference of events then the meanings become arbitary...so what would hold ones soul together after death? even if the living have memory of you they never have it complete. Is there some higher soul that rises out of ones experience? the super ego perhaps

victor 77072009-08-28T17:55:09Z

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I think you are right, what keeps it together after death, God,, the soul lives forever, the Bible says that if you believe in Jesus then you go to Heaven, not sure what you believe in but if you get a chance read the Gospel of John in the new testament,,,,it works for me, its given me a peace I can;t get no where else..


Your soul is you. You are molded via the responses you ought to the reports on your lifestyles. If you wish your soul to be what it must be, you must revel in and reply to God.