why do female preachers disobey these verses'1cor.14:34-35'?

1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


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If you people don't like this moron, stop stroking his ego by answering him and playing point games (also counter to the ToS) with him. Silently report each and every one of his sorry-assed posts.

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They're not. If you actually knew what the Scriptures state you wouldn't post such a silly question. The reason your question is silly is due to the fact that at the church in question some women were talking and asking questions about what was being taught. This was so loud that it inturrpted the service which is why Paul wrote this in his letter to this church. Let me put it in simple English so you understand why they were told to be silent. They were talking so loud that the lesson was interrupted, so they were instructed to be silent until after the service. Once the service was done then they could ask all the questions they wanted to, as loud as they wanted to, but just don't be so rude to do it while the lesson was being taught. It had nothing to do with the fact that they were women. They were too loud....that's all....nothing more. Okay!?

r j2009-08-29T07:14:12Z

You are taking this WAY OUT OF CONTEXT. You must know, in the early first century church, there were PLENTY of women in leadership roles, and no one had a problem with it, not even the Apostles. Rabbi Paul, many times, called on the various churches to accept and welcome women leaders into their congregations. Have you noticed that thhe very first witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ were women, and these women were charged with the task of spreading the good news to the disciples who were in hiding at the time. These women EMBOLDENED the timid disciples to go out and preach this good news later, and even die for the Way. Women can be leaders in the church. We see it throughout scripture, that God will use women in this capacity.

As for the context of these particular verses from a letter Paul wrote to the church, specifically in Corinth, the word Paul uses is "lalew", which is a word that implies casual conversation, not preaching/teaching communication. So, basically, what was happening in Corinth, was women were talking during church, to eachother, or shouting out during the service. They were going overboard in their new freedoms as women in the church. Paul was telling them to keep silent, and if there was a part of teaching they didn't understand, not to ask the one sitting next to them, or shout out to the preacher for clarification, but to simply ask their husband when they get home. The men in Corinth were not speaking and shouting out during church, only the women were, so that's why Paul only referred to the women.

Jim W2009-08-29T08:13:59Z

Since you already know my answer to this, let me ask you a question. Why do you disobey these Community Guidelines?

Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues.

If a post is neither a question nor an answer, it doesn’t belong here.

Don't create multiple accounts to troll or otherwise violate these guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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Having said all these things that you already know, let me reiterate:

We shall continue to pray for you.

Squashed Orange2009-08-29T07:09:36Z

Everyone knows why and people who defend women pastors know what they're doing. There's something very disturbing about the estrogen movement. See 'The Disappearing Male' scientific study: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7530701744597358451 - Satan is using women to take his evil into all the Earth. Notice the extremely feminist churches are filled with estrogen and satanic spiritualism.

These are about the new age movement exposed:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl0U8aA7vEM&feature=related
and on up to 11.

Here are videos of Mormonism fallacies:

1. Intro - not necessary
2. Who Is Jesus?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxzp80ELcos&feature=related
and on up to 12.

Here are listed at least ten more sermons of excellent quality and most informative:


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