To all my friends who sincerely disagree with evolution -?
Is it important to actually read the material before you become confrontational? Have you ever read anything by Darwin? Gould? Wade? Shubin? Does it make sense to understand what you are disagreeing with? Or do you interpret evolution primarily as it is presented to you by others?
I do mean friends. I have no animosity toward any of you, although I must admit that I have minimal patience for intentional ignorance or for feigned knowledge.
Well - that was quite a spectrum of responses. 17 responses total, but only 6 who think that evolution is false. I suspect that there are a lot more out there who did not answer. Of the 6 who disagree with Darwin, only 1 has read his work to a level higher than a "modicum." One other has read a "modicum" and appears to understand it, although he is sort of on the fence in terms of its general applicability. The general response of those who disagree but have not read what they disagree with is that it's not worth reading or that the question should be turned around so that I am on the defensive for not reading creationist material (which is not true, i have read):
1. the Bible - I found it inspirational. However, all references to scientific topics correspond roughly to a normal 2nd grade level. This makes sense, since it was written centuries ago by people with absolutely no knowledge of the natural world.
On the other side, there are at least a couple of folks who seem to be just generally and firmly prejudiced against those who do not agree with evolution. One of these was downright offensive in his remarks. This is clearly not a way to influence people, regardless of your viewpoint. Seems counter-productive to me.
Thanks to all for your considered responses. i think I found my answer.
2. Phillip Johnson - I found his positions to be strange and bizarre and justifiable only by referring to scriptural texts. He has no scientific background, and it shows.
3. Several documents published by the Answers in Genesis organization - I found their positions to be equally strange and poorly justified. I could give 3 pages of examples, but that is not my purpose here.
The other referenced creationist experts are guys I am not familiar with.
In any case, most of the folks who have not read Darwin do not generally come out and say that. Instead, they try to deflect the negative connotation that this may bring by attempting to make a positive statement about their own belief system, or by trying to make me look bad instead. Interesting.
Please forgive the lack of order in this series. The comments are not appearing in the order that I typed them.