How to retain energy on liquid diet after tooth extraction.?

I am forced to liquid diet for a week now, cause of my tooth extraction. and my strength is too low.I been having high calorie milk shakes, Milk, and lemonade. and I wanna be able to perform for my gal. what can I drink to get me healthy? ?? ( BTW i am vegetarian; not A VEGAN)


its more than 24 hrs for me now. and I wann get some carbs in my body. is there any drink with carbs in it ?


After a difficult extraction a soft or liquid diet may be indicated for 24 hours or so after your dental surgery. For simpler extractions just making sure that you do your chewing with those teeth that are distant from the extraction site should be sufficient. Hot liquids will tend to dissolve the blood clot that has formed in the extraction socket, so avoid them for the initial 24 hour period. Also, you should avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours.


thats your problem dont go for high calories and suger that will only take more energy from you! go for high carbs. carbs give you consistent energy. you can put food in a blender and drink it with a straw! its not bad. maybe try those 5 hour energy thing

and before you 'preform' have some red bull!