Tattoo Age Question?(20 characters)?

Anywhere in America (any state) can you get a tattoo when you're under 18 if you have parental permission? I've had the idea in my head for four years and I'm ready to get the tattoo.


Favorite Answer

Well... it all depends on the quality of the tattoo you're going for. I've heard of kids getting tattoos at flea markets or from amateur artists. Under no circumstances is a professional tattoo artist to give a minor a tattoo but I have personally witnessed very well known artists give minors they know very well (through family connections) tattoos. I guess it's all in who you know. Or if you want to settle for a crappy piece of work permanently on your body, there are options for you. My advice, just wait til you're 18. It'll make it that more special to you since you've wanted it for so long anyway.


You can get at tattoo in GA with parental consent at the age of 16 maybe younger but for sure 16.


Legal age for any tattoos is eighteen. Piercings you'll be sixteen with parental consett, should you fortunate ample to seem 18 then you definately perhaps competent to get tattooed early. i received my first tattoo at 17 and the studio i went didn't ask for identity as i regarded the authorized age, Good success


Im 17 and I got a great tattoo done in new mexico with parent consent
hope this helps