Did you see this reunion story?



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I had not seen it before. He didn't loook very excited..or maybe he was in shock. I am glad he found out he was not intentionally abandoned. How sad that he got lost and was never reunited with his family. His mother must have worried her self sick every day.


Wow... I hadn't seen it before and thank you for posting.

I agree that he didn't "look" excited but that could be due to many things. I didn't "look" excited during my first f2f reunion (in an airport) with my mom, either. I probably looked devastated to the average passer-by -- I was crying my eyes out.

I haven't met many men who readily show the full range of emotions they are feeling at any given time... especially when there are cameras around.

I'm glad to know he's found his truth. I'm always glad when I hear that for any adoptee... every single time!

~Take care!


It's great to see the ability to reunite across countries. I'm sure his biological family was very worried. It would be interesting to hear more on this story, it sounds like there are some missing elements.

On a side note; I'm not sure what video cantstop watched but the one I did said he was in an orphanage and then placed for adoption. Even if you look for evil everywhere, you won't find it. People are inherently good.


Wow. That was an amazing story. He didn't look that emotional but his biological dad seemed to be. Maybe he was just hiding his emotions.

Got Pomchi?2009-08-31T15:39:33Z

Yes, and I feel so terrible for his poor Chinese parents (I am refraining from using anything other than Chinese and American to describe his two sets of parents because he was not actually surrendered). One moment of looking away created all that... I'm so glad his American parents traveled with him to China to reunite! I also wish his Chinese mother the best with her illness/hopefull recovery

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