I was curious. not really vegetarian related, but sort of.?

I was just reading about ferns and read about this so called air fern that doesn't need water or soil. Well the air fern is actually the dried skeleton of a marine animal that has been dyed green and is now dead.

The thing I was curious about is this. If you (as a vegetarian or vegan) bought one of these plants, what would you do if you found out it is a dead animal? That seems like people should advertise it as such, I know I wouldn't want a skeleton of a coral-like animal in a pot, and I'm not even a vegetarian. I think they should at least tell you what you're buying.

So this isn't completely vegan related, but I was just curious.


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If you stick your nose in it, it smells like dead fish.

I didn't know what it was but I knew it reeked, so I threw it out.

What a shame, they could at least tell you :(


The other day I bought a chocolate bar that wasn't vegetarian by mistake (somehow I didn't see gelatin listed on the ingredients at the time). Well I'm not going to eat the bar because that would be against my principals, and I'm not going to throw it out because that's a waste. Instead I'll give is to my dad because he loves these bars and is not a vegetarian.


Wow, I never knew! If I had one of those "plants," I probably wouldn't throw it out, but I wouldn't want it in my house, so I'd try to give it away or donate it. That's how I feel about any product that I have, that I won't use...like if I buy a food that I later find out has meat in it, I give it away. At least that way the animal wouldn't have died in vain.

However, thanks to your question, I'm better informed, and I will not have this problem in the first place! I definitely agree that manufacturers should be required to let us know what we're buying. Yuck.


It would probably be nice to know. Granted I cant even keep a catus alive, so I wouldn't have to worry about buying such a plant


If it wasn't advertised as such, I would call the company and complain for their false advertisement.

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