Just mut a new motor in my truck, and its not running right?

I just put a V-8 into my 77 chevy truck, and its not running right, like there might be a spark problem? I had to put the flywheel from the other motor, would that have anything to do with it? Also, it is REALLY hard to turn over, the starter will barely start it, where can i find a diagram for my plug wires on here? Does anyone know anything that might help me? If you have any idea, but have no clue what im talking bout, email me at lawnmowerluke@yahoo.com Thanks


Its a 350...

STEELERS Nation( THE JOY OF SIX)2009-09-01T12:03:18Z

Favorite Answer

It sound like the timing is off and for the diagram go and buy haynes repair manual it will give you diagram for your wire & plug and your timing


do a google search for "firing order of a chevy 350".. You well need to know where TDC is as well and where the # 1 wire needs to go..
here's the firing order
good luck

gary o2009-09-01T12:08:05Z

check timing, as dist could be off a tooth.What size is the engine? 350 or 400, 454 or 402? firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, dist rotation is clockwise.