Any Ideas For Picky Eaters?

My husband is a picky eater and I have no idea what to fix him anymore. He will eat lasagna, tossed salad, cubed steak, pork chops(baked for fried), mac n cheese, spaghetti, sausage, french fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, pork or beef roast, bbq pork sandwiches, chicken(but he's not too fond of this) and that's about it. He doesn't eat onions in anything, no rice. Does not like fettuccine alfredo. I can't think of anything to fix him anymore. He doesn't like most vegetables either. Any ideas?


Have him type in "recipes" into your search engine and browse through listings with him for things that might sound good to him. You can always alter the recipes to avoid onions, and you can usually substitute noodles or even mashed potatoes, for rice. (If you love onions, just prepare them for your serving, or better yet, mince them up into tiny little pieces and add them to the recipes--I sweat he will never know! :)

There are a few recipes books available that have recipes in which veggies are "hidden" in the food; for instance, you can very finely shred zucchini and put it in the lasagna without him ever knowing. Visit your local bookstore and ask for assistance finding the recipes books--they are typically written for moms to use with kids, but adults like the recipes, too!

Maybe what he needs is to be "gastronomically challenged". Why don't you challenge him to try one new food a week (if he hates the idea, maybe once a month will be more acceptable to him)

Good luck! :)


he sounds like me, except i like some veggies. just ask him what he would like to eat, or if he would like to try something new. look recipes up online together to get some ideas.


curry shrimp?
home made pizza?
soup or stew?


hmm, pasta??