reoccurring dream interpretation?

I have reoccurring non scary dreams of multiple rooms with average furniture. no people no pets no houses. just rooms. this has been going on for momths 3-5 times per week.


what do these dreams mean


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when we dream, we dream usually in symbols, memories, events based on what happened that day or in the past, and sometimes the future.

my english teacher told me that rooms signify memories and the mind.

heres a definition from a dream dictionary online:
Rooms Dream Meaning
(see also Buildings)

Psychological Meaning: Rooms stand for different aspects of your personality. The living room represents the conscious mind, the cellars the unconscious and the upper rooms represent your higher aspirations and spirituality.

i suppose that a room with average furniture could be construed as living rooms so it relates to your conscious mind.
perhaps your subconscious is trying to tell you something?
Are you staying in a routine?
is your life just average?

If it is maybe try something exciting, or different. Go take a trip, or start a new hobby?


Could mean misguidance


Maybe you moved into a new house and its causing you to be homesick? I dunno.