Dog section: owning working dogs?

What working titles/competitions (schutzhund, lure coursing, herding, open field coursing)is your breed eligible for?

Do you participate in them?


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whippet have a lot- Racing: FOUR amateur racing clubs each with a champion title & a supreme title (one has pedigree bans so not all registered whippets can compete there) champion titles WRCH, RCH, ARX, ORC (the club offering the ARM is defunct but you see the title on pedigrees)- I currently run with 2 have run with the third when my old eligible dogs were young.

two lure coursing clubs with championships & supreme titles FC & Fch (whoops make that 3, a new one started up this yr) I run with the two older clubs (all my dogs got at least one championship there,and my beat has the supreme)

the open field coursing is not legal in my state or surrounding ones
plus agility, obedience, tracking even dock dogs have some whippet participants..I dod agility & obedience


We had a GSD and only took him through obedience and some schutzhund training. We stopped at bitework.

He was a pet so we didn't want to take him further. We had other ways to challenge his mind and body instead. We also didn't want to stress his joints as he got older. We toned down his vigorous exercise when he was between 9-10.

Now we have a cattle dog cross but he's a shelter rescue. We have done alot of training with him so far in the house but he's signed up with a trainer for evaluation next month. This is a great trainer so we've had to wait quite awhile to get in with her. We want to handle this dog's socialization and complete his obedience training before we consider any type of work with him. He doesn't play so that rules out a lot of things.


-_- ! These regulars are all good people, and you'll notice, they hardly ever have training problems with their dogs. They aren't abusive. And even if they were, you have NO proof. Go rant somewhere else. EDIT: Dumb? No, you're dumb. They're far from it. The Working Border Collie: Oh this is who they all talk of as *puppy love*. Now it makes sense! ADD: Once again,The Working Border Collie said it. Come back when you can actually write a proper sentence that we can understand.


I have Border Collies & an Aussie. They all compete in Agility, Obedience & Rally Obedience. They all 3 also have their Herding Instinct Certification. When I had livestock, they took care of the livestock on my place. I'd love to do some herding with them all, but there is only so many hours in the week, esp after a full-time job & only so much money in my bank account! LOL

gud ole kuntry boy2009-09-08T20:14:38Z

chihuahuas, the hardest work they do is play zoom doggy and being cute!

We do have a working great pyrenees but she is too busy watching out for our family, our home and our other animals to participate in working competitions. I think a working dog breed should actually work, do the job they were bred to do.

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