why do female preachers disobey these verses'1cor.14:34-35'?

1cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


Favorite Answer

Why do you disobey the Community Guidelines?

There's a rule about spam.


Women preachers are called of God to preach.

As you have been told over and over again that these verses have Nothing to do with women preaching.

It has to do with the fact that women who were not preachers sitting on opposite sides of the temple listening to the speaker.
The men on the other side of the curtain that separated them from the women. In those days the men did not sit with their wives.
When the wives want to talk to their husbands they would holler out to them and disrupt the service.
So it was said that women keep silent while the speaking was teaching.
That speaker could be a woman or a man.

So your idea of women not being allowed to preach is false and any Pastor can vouch for this who is actually a Preacher.
don't get caught up on these scriptures they do not mean anything else.


Why do YOU not get it? The Bible is FULL of obsolete references that have had no meaning for centuries.

Besides which, I'd rather see extremists like yourself completely upset over something that is yet another lost cause.

The REAL shame is that over entirely too many weeks, you have been spamming this section. I've stopped reporting you for ranting but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't take up the cause. Do you KNOW how much of an annoyance you are?



Mr Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Acts 2 confirms Joel 2

"Your sons & your DAUGHTERS will prophesy"

Anna the prophetess was given the privelege of announcing Jesus as Messiah in the Temple

The women were given the privelege of announcing His resurrection

& let's hear it for http://www.JoyceMeyer.com

& Charlotte Gambil @ http://www.alm.org

& Gloria Copeland @ http://www.kcm.org

& Heidi Baker @ http://www.tacf.org

Google Marilyn Hickey,



& Suzette Hattingh too


Watch 'em all @ http://www.God.TV & http://www.TBN.org

& http://www.daystar.com etc etc

"Sky freeview *580-594: brighter than summer!"

Enjoy !!



I beg of you on bended knee with my eyes crying great droplets of blood, STOP ASKING THIS DOPEY QUESTION. It has been asked at least 5.280 times and we are all sick of it. Actually it says that people who repeatedly ask this question should keep silent in the churches, on the internet and everywhere else.

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