Is everyone as tired as I am about school starting?

and all the little children posting their homework questions on Yahoo expecting us to do their homework for them? You think if they can type the question then they can also use the Internet to look up the information themselves? Just a thought.


Oh I have helped out the "wee" ones plenty but it is so amazing to see all the new questions are all homework questions. You know they are on the computer and NOT doing their homework. Do these kids not have a school book? Notes from class?


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YESSS...i was just about to ask this question

gosh these little kids are soo lazyyy....a kid actually went along and asked if someone could do his earth science PROJECT...he would email them the requirements....


i know that some people need help...but others are taking it tooo farrr....
ASK for help...not for an ENTIRE PROJECT


i so agree with you!!!!!!!! i dont mind so much if it just a small maths problem or something, but some little kids ask people to DO THEIR WHOLE PROJECT FOR THEM. that is so stupid!!!! isnt there actually a reason why we have homework, anyways? to learn something?


Mhmm. I agree with ya. But you know, sometimes they can't find the answer or info using the internet.


Oh come on - help out the wee kids! It will do you good.


i was about to turn to here, because i couldnt figure out my calculus anywhere else. but instead im procrastinating.

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