Well did Jeff Hardy really mess up again?

Well it looks like Jeff really mess up this time. I hope this is wrong but it looks real.
Read this article.



You need to read the article. It is from a newpaper and says he was arested for drugs.


This is NOT from a wrestling news site or anything. It is reported in a REAL newspaper.


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This is real its coming up on EVERY wrestling site out there.

So to all the people who thought all the other times were mistakes this definatley isnt a mistake so u r out of excuses!

Midnight Prodigy™2009-09-11T20:07:11Z

Jeff really needs to clean up his act..


no, he knows better now. but i wouldnt be suprised if he quit. the wwe never gives him the title. they build up all this hype around him then make him lose. he won the title once but it was for a very short period. he deserves so much better.


nah i dont tihnk he messed up he got relased from WWE in lyk 2002 for taking steriods and he came back in so i dont he will he left WWE after losing to CM Punk in a i quit match but i think he will return


does not surprise me. its like so many people said, he just wanted off to do drugs

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