A piece of an apple was stuck in my tooth yesterday now?

Okay so yesterday during lunch I was eating an apple and when I bit into it a piece of apple got stuck between the tooth left of your front tooth and the big one next to it. I tried getting it out with my nail but it didn't work so I waited until I got home. I tried flossing it out and brushing my teeth but it didn't work wither. When I was drinking water the apple or something came out but it was hard. Now I have a small gap that's at the top of the tooth and I was wondering if the apple could've caused it. Should I got to the Dentist? Also between my front tooth I have a small gap not really noticeable but it's brown in between
Is it a cavities? I tried flossing it.


Favorite Answer

Did you leave a piece of fingernail in there? The brown is probably just staining. See your dental hygienist and tell her what you did, she'll get to the bottom of it.


if the food has been there for a few days, the brown could just be some of the apple acids stuck on your teeth. So when the apple turned brown so did your tooth, the acids also may have rotted it causing a cavity or erittation. ask them to look for cavities or ro have it bleached.

ps: if it hurtz, its a cavity.


its probably just from a cracked tooth, i would go to the dentist