What are some cute animals that start with the letters...?
I'm decorating my baby's room in an animal alphabet and I need cute animals that start with- N, Q ( other than quail), U ( I have unicorn but would like something else), V (vulture is not cute at all), and X ( I got nothing for this letter).
Tashi Delek2009-09-14T04:01:41Z
Favorite Answer
When my babies were born, I made alphabet quilts for them, so I'm right with you here. Q is for Quetzal, which is the gorgeous Guatamalan bird. X is for Xiphias, a sea fish. My boy and I spent one whole afternoon going through the dictionary X's figuring that one out so that is a very fond memory. I remember that N was for a Nuthatch in its nest. Rose-breasted Nuthatches are very satisfactory to embroider, I remember. I cannot for the life of me recall what U and V were.
N could be nightingale, and Q for quokka (looks like a little wallaby).
Some animals that start with V: * Vaquita (porpoise; sea mammal) * Veery (North American thrush/songbird) * Verdin (small bird with a yellow head) * Vervet (monkey) * Vicuna (South American mammal) * Vixen (female fox) * Vole (small rodent)
Dora the Explorer did an Animal Alphabet ("ABC Animals"). You can download the video for $1.99 from Amazon, and perhaps freeze the frames where they show the animals. Here is her Animal Alphabet
Armadillo, ant Bear Cat Dog Elephant Frog Giraffe Horse Iguana Jaguar Kangaroo Lion Mouse (or monkey) Nightingale Octopus Pig Quetzal (a bird, also a character from Dragon Tales) Rhinoceros Snake Turtle Umbrella bird Vulture Whale X-ray fish Yak Zebra