What happened to all my old fishing answer friends?

Just checked back in after a long time away and did not see the old group as before.If you changed ID's give me a holler back!


Glad to hear the mommy business is working out good!Wish the best for you all is Brandon still on gator patrol.I will be buying my place down around Panama city area soon and plan on lots of fishing and want to hit up the old spots from years ago.Sebastian Inlet was an old fav of mine and I have plans of traveling down there to hit it up.Maybe stop in and see if Whites,Debrooks and the old spots are still there.Great to hear back from you thank you very much!


Well I knew something was going on s m c glad to see you still here!


Favorite Answer


I'm still around (this is Sharon). I don't get on answers any more, but since you're a contact on my old yahoo ID, I still get alerts when my friends ask a question.

I keep in touch still with Steelhead, Mr. T and Golden Feather, although not too much anymore since 360 went away.

Steelhead is okay, but his missus is VERY sick :( So he has not been online much.

Mr. T was okay the last time I talked to him, but that was a month or so ago.

Same with Golden Feather. He was fine when I talked to him a couple months ago.

Mr. T told me that Exert had connected to him on his facebook page, but I don't know any more than that. I haven't talked to Exert in over a year :( He kind of just disappeared. (I think he moved). But apparently he is still alive and well.

I'm still living in PA. Not extremely happy about it, would rather be in VT (fishing of course). As soon as my kids get out on their own, we will probably move back there.

For our 20th wedding anniversary, Joe and I went to VT last weekend, specifically for crappie fishing. IT WAS WONDERFUL. We found a secret spot that was just loaded with fish. We caught our limit 4 days in a row, a record for us. The best part.... hardly anyone else out there. One day we saw a couple of kayakers, another day we saw a bass boat go by, but other than that..... just the two of us along with hundreds of fish, bald eagles, great blue herons, kingfishers, beavers and muskrats. Truly the best possible fishing experience. We fished a small branch of the Missisquoi River nicknamed "The Wash" (officially called Dead Creek), near the top of Lake Champlain. Very deep and narrow with dozens of fallen trees.....crappie heaven.

Anyways.... glad to hear you are finally getting to move to FL. We visit Joe's dad in Satellite Beach almost every year which is not far from Sebastian Inlet. I almost got to meet Gimme and Brandon last time there, but it didn't work out. Maybe you'll be there next time I go for a visit, and we can catch up.

If you want, send me an email so that I have your address. I only check it about once a month, but that way we could at least keep in touch. Fishinmomma39@yahoo.com

Take care, my ol' fishin' buddy!


Well Injun, I noticed the same thing after an extended absence. Most are not here anymore. You can only answer so many questions about the best lure for bass, or the best lure for catfish or best bait for carp.You just tend to get burnt out after a while.Due to record heat this year I spend most of the summer on here.But now my bow season opens up in 2 days. Unless I limit out early I may not be back on until next spring. But this is a fun way to pass the time and I've enjoyed it.I like to learn new methods, new ideas and read other peoples theories on things . Hope you connect with some of your old friends. Have a good hunting season.


Hey Injun! I'm still here... I check more questions than I answer... Brandon hasn't been on in quite a while, but he's been working working working, and when he's got spare time, he prefers to do things other than sitting in front of the computer... I get to hang out around the house being Mommy, so since I'm kinda trapped and stir-crazy, I spend what time I can on this contraption just to know that there are other people in the world...

Anyway... welcome back!

Edit: No, the program has been going downhill for the past few years, and my father resigned earlier this year... got sick of being called out to kill babies... new coordinator of the alligator program appears to be a gator hater, and that's not a good thing... people don't need a viable reason to get rid of their alligators anymore, if they don't want it there, it's taken care of... permanently. It's bad. He's with a company that's got a contract out on the air force station killing off pepper trees and other invasives... that's some job security if you ask me... no market fluctuation, either.

Swamp Zombie2009-09-18T01:06:18Z

Hey old dog!

It's AKA "Stop Makin Cent's".

I'm still on here answering silly Q's.......lol.

Last I heard you were fixin to purhase a trailer down Cedar Key/Big Bend area?

Hope your feelin' well Ry?

Nice to hear from you!

Golden, Brandon, Steelhead, Exert they don't answer much anymore.........