shouldnt she be played on radio disney. like all of her other pals? i kinda think thats unfair to. the reason she's doing so well is because people who arent watching disney get to hear her songs. while the more talented ones ( demi) dont get very good album sales cause their still on radio disney.
i hate disaney kids. but i think thats kinda unfair how she gets to be on the radio an the others dont. i mean be fair put miley back on radio disney.
Favorite Answer
I am sad to say that I know the answer to this because my youngest daughter is a huge fan of both Disney music (especially Miley) and mainstream music.
All of Disney's stars have "Non-compete" and/or "exclusivity" clauses within their contracts so they can only perform for Disney. However, Miley gets regular airplay on both due the fact that she has been around longer and her first contract with Disney ended over a year ago (whenever there was the rumor that she was not going to Hannah Montana anymore). Being that there was such a huge uproar over the possibilty of the show ending at the hieght of it's popularity, and that her father came from the mainstream music industry, they were able to re-negotiate her new contract removing the "exclusivity" allowing her to not only have airtime on both sides, but record seperately and be able to perform live at non-Disney events.
Can't believe I know this.....***sigh***
Hope that answers your question. Have a good weekend...