Sup, Michael Jackson Fans! I'd Like To Know The REASON You Don't Beleive That Child Molestation Crap?

Most of you when a hater says "he molested little boys" you respond something snappy like "STFU" or "Now I KNOW your parents are related" or "SUCK IT MJ ACCOPLISHED MORE THAN YOU EVER WILL" or "He was PROVEN INOCCENT" see, it just irritates me that we have ALL THESE Fans on here and the REASON we are on here is to clear MICHAEL'S NAME.
yet when a hater is talkin sh#t and trully beleive Michael did that stuff...instead of you DISREPECTING THE HATER(i know they need to be disssed) calmly give them prooof and explain to then WHY Michael didn't do those things give them like (2 utube videos cus they dont wanna be sittin there for an hour)
show them he had VITILIGO
show them his 1993 grammy speech
show them the Jordan Chandler Admitting article that was confirmed real on Nancy DISgrace..

show them that video were he saves that little boy's life..

instead of firing back at them.

Be as nice as you can even though your temper is probabaly up.

They think were SICK to "love" such a "horrrible man"
Show Them It's Not Bad.

SO answer the MAIN question...then write how old your are and basicly copy this only make it "apply TO YOU not to me lol"

"I am 14 going on 15 and i have been an Michael Jackson FAN SINCE 97' I AM PROUD TO SAY IVE BEEN DEFENDING MICHAEL ALL THAT TIME!!!"

Don't Be Ashamed To Say "I Am 13 and ive been a fan since June 2009 ive been defending Michael Since Then"

We DON'T CARE do we look like phony mj fans suck to you???
i could care less how long you have been a fan...
i just wanna see that YOU KNOW THE TRUTH.
*whatzupwitchu* ok im sorry i had to do that.

Not ALL of you do that "STFU HATER" stuff imean i can understand you get tired of typing all the info that "MJ didn't do this or do that"
we are in a war..a war for love...
*tries to hold it in*


LMAO..../ok im sorry but you guys get what im saying though..
i know this sh#t is gonna get deleted LOL
so star imediatley

-Dyme: This SO NOT it, Michael


ok STAR.




Favorite Answer

well im 11 years old i have been a fan since june 2009 and i have been defending him i do not belive michael has ever laid a hand on a kid he could not have done it i even have evidence ok first of all the first of all i heard somewhere on youtube that in the first child molestian case that the kid lied it said the kid and his father said to days after michaels death that they lied june 27 they said they just wanted the money and never ment to ruin his carier and the second piece of evidence was that on the 2nd child molestian case the kid who acused him was problay lieing because i saw a documentray about m jackson it said the acuser had been to acting school and in a interview with the acuser they said it sounded like he was acting and he had no emotin at all and that 2 years earlier the acusers mom said that a person from sears molested her and they got away with it and got money so the pepole on the show i watched may have faked it so that they could get money from michael and another thing is that employes said the acuser and his brother were being rude to the employes at neverland and the show i watched was called THE TRUTH OF NEVERLAND HELP PASS THIS ON TO PROVE THE KING OF POP IS INCOENT


I believe he never molested a child is because he is kind, sweet, and loving. And what type of person who is kind and respectful would do such a perverted sick thing. And he was very sensitive ans vunarble to do something like that. And the only way he could have possibly molested a male child is if he was GAY. And you know what he wasn't he was very sexual and sexy toward women and that tells you right there that he wasn't gay and he had many girfriends which most were private. So thats why I that's he is not a molester because he is NOT GAY and he was KIND SWEET LOVING AND SENSITIVE. And guys are just jealouse because he could actaully get girls unlike their dirty crusty asses and he was sweet, too. Michael would have been a perfect boyfriend. And also some people think just because your are a man you can't be sensitive and sweet towards women ...... wait no screw that sweet and kind towards EVERYBODY. That doesn't make you gay. So peoople are just haterz and Michael is not a molester.

Watch Me Flyy2009-09-18T08:19:06Z

Michael Jackson was freed of all charges.

In 1993, Michael was accused to abusing a child. This was eventually settled out of court and he paid the family millions of dollars to drop the charges. Many see this as an act of guilt but let's think about it a moment - what sane parent would accept money instead of justice if their child had been abused? None. Chandler's father was overheard bragging about how he was going to bring Michael down. He was jealous of Jordie's budding friendship with Michael and for the record, he wasn't even living with his son, plus, the boys mother said the claims were false.

In 2003, he was accused again. And went to court and was aquitted of 10 charges. He had photos taken of him and the boy's description of him was false. Also, Gavin's mother was declared insane. She had in the past, accused two police officers of sexually assaulting her. They had never met her before.

No evidence, videos, photos, magazines... Nothing suggested he had been guilty. Also, all other kids who had stayed with Michael, Macauley Culkin included testified against those accusing Michael. There was not sufficient enough evidence to say Michael was guilty and every time they thought they had a lead to which they could charge him, they came with loose ends.

Michael was declared innocent of all charges and it's time people started remembering that.

Edit: I really, honestly do try and respect the haters, and for that, I've actually sort of befriended some. Once they've heard my side, and I've heard theirs we come to a mutual disagreement and there's no arguing or dissing or either each other, or of Michael. We can't all believe the same thing and for that, I can not blame the haters. What I refuse to accept though, is that so many are so cold and harsh. They treat him like an animal with some of their comments and no way on hell should they be making jokes of child abuse. That crosses the line.

I think Mike was an amazing person and was the source of many cruel and disgusting plots against him. We fans are not crazy, or a cult. We just care passionately about someone who provided much love, entertainment and inspiration in the world.


Well i've always stood by Michael 100% on those charges (Im 14 and i was like 9 or 10 when they were showing him going2 court and stuff all over the news, and me and my whole family (except my dad, i dislike him LMAO) never for a minute thought he was guilty) Like how can someone even think that he's guilty? I believe he's innocent because he just loved kids so much and he would never want to do anything to hurt them. Also, you could clearly tell the parents just wanted money, because they just excepted some million dollars from michael and he didnt go to jail. Now you know good and well if someone did that to your child, you'd want them locked up in a heartbeat, you wouldn't just except money! People are so money hungry these days it really gets on my effin nerves! And all that crap they put Michael through made him not want to live in Neverland anymore! I hope those liars burn in hell!

Michael sparkled first ;D2009-09-18T07:51:36Z

Michael's funeral was just over a week ago
He's been laid to rest give him some peace already
Okay to all Michael Jackson Haters

"Michael was was found not guilty, that boy admitted that Michael did nothing & that his dad wanted to ruin Michael's career >:l, Can Michael haters get over it already"

Michael was kind, Amazing, great the list goes on
Basically he was pretty perfect in a way so the media hated that so they had to pick something out that would make people hate him and like i said last night Kendra Wilkinson say "I love kids" but if Michael says it then there's this HUGE problem

He had been a child star since the age of 5 he never went to school made friends or anything so in 1980 when he made "Neverland" Ranch he was like 29 or 30 years old he couldn't invite his friends over they wouldn't wanna play on the rides would they!
so he invited kids (:

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