Why did this happen? Genetics question.?

Ok, so I am one of four children in my family. My mom has brown eyes and red hair, my dad has brown hair and blue eyes. Out of four children, we ALL have BROWN eyes and BROWN hair. I understand that brown is dominant, but out of four children, wouldn't at least ONE of them have red hair or blue eyes? I don't understand...


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If you are talking about Mandelean genetics, those are just the odds of getting those traits. For your case, you did your problem incorrectly. You should have a total of 25% per pheno/genotype.

john b2009-09-19T18:37:57Z

this is not a genetics question this is a statistics question. if you flip a coin heads 10 times in a row, what are the chances your next flip be heads? 1%?....no. 3%?.....no. 50%?.....YES. when it comes to chance, each flip of the coin is independent and previous results have no bearing on the next result. the same goes for humans. now after having 1000 kids or 10000 kids, your parents results as a whole may be predictable, but that probably wont happen.


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