Help for a vegetarian wanting to go on a healthy diet?

Lately I have been wanting to lose a little weight. Not much, just enough to tone out the flab and feel a bit better. I haven't started the diet yet, as I need a bit of a plan.

My main concern is what to take for lunch at school. I want to have as little sugar and bread in my diet as possible.

I wake up every morning at six, usually don't get home until three, eat a quick snack, and then go to work. What could I take to work?

I don't even know where to begin! Help :)


I'm veggie cause I have never liked the idea of harming something for my own pleasure, and thats what I feel like I'm doing when I eat meat. I tried to be a vegan, but it came with all too many restrictions.


Favorite Answer

Instead of bread, use pita bread. Hummus is good and has a lot of protein that you could be missing out on since you don't eat meat. There are always veggie meats (like veggie dogs or burgers) that you could cut up and put into salads, or you could make a bean salad (there are plenty of recipes online). Anything involving beans or chickpeas would be good for keeping you full, as they've got the protein to help you feel satisfied.


Vegetarian or vegan? Big difference. If you can eat eggs and/or fish, eat them along with plain vegetables without cheese and good fruit such as apples, oranges and berries. Toss out the bread and eat steel oatmeal instead. Stay away from all the beans and cheese that most vegetarians tend to gravitate towards and just eat sensibly. Why vegetarian by the way?