Does any pokemon platinum/diamond/pearl player wanna trade?

im looking for pokemon lv 25 or higher unles it legendary or rare then lv dont matter.

i have lots of stuff to trade

i have a japanese feebas, UT-lv1 female
i have a rotom, a combee, a aipom, a togepi, and more

type your frend code and add mine then wait in wifi club.

4726 7334 4259-fc

Skitty Crazy2009-09-23T19:34:56Z

Favorite Answer

I saw your previous post on wanting a Jirachi, and I'm about to start trading a lot of them from my bonus disc over to Platinum. So over the weekend I can trade you one, since I don't have much time with school over the week. :]

But mine is 1934 9321 7900, and I could think of some things to trade with. My name is Lindsay.

Okay, I'll be on in around 10 minutes, okay? :D