Sedation for Cortisone Shot?

I am getting a shot of cortisone in my neck soon and I am just wondering if the doctors sedate you prior to preforming the procedure. I am a little freaked out about having a needle jammed in to my neck...


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I have not had a shot in my neck,,,, But have had them in my knees and hands before....
Ask them to PLEASE FREEZE the area first........
There is a liquid and a spray that they can use...
it is cold feeling when they do that...
that basically freezes the skin,, so you don't feel the needle going in...... and then all you will feel is the pressure of the medicine going in,,,
Set your mind on RELAXING,,,, you want the muscles in the area to stay relaxed....
and its over before you know what has happened......


No not that I have experienced. Just give the shot.