Who's the Better Body Puncher: Cotto or Castillo?

These two guys are known to be great body punchers when they are at there best. And I am curious to see which one, in your perspectives, comes out on top....


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Cotto is a by far stronger body puncher. If you watched the way he destroyed Gomez with his body shots, you can see how much vigor and force he puts on it. Jose Luis Castillo to me was a good body puncher but not a great one. Cotto is a great body puncher, he knows how to time, precise, and estimate the capability of his strength to throw his body shots.


Both fighter are good body puncher but it really depend on who they are fighting and their opponent style. If I was to pick between these two, I would go with Cotto. He is a better all around boxer.


Castillo. he is a Chavez-lite, I doubt Cotto would do any better than castillo did agasint Floyd first fight.

HEAVY "D"2009-09-27T10:22:56Z

I think Cotto is



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