Who has had the more difficult off-season: Derrick Rose or Michael Beasely?

This NBA offseason has been a very eventful one to say the least. Derrick Rose and Michael Beasely have both made headlines for not so flattering reasons, so whos offseason has been worse, the 2008 1st overall pick or the 2008 2nd overall pick?


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Definitely Beasley. No question. With all the accusations that Rose faced about his falsified SATs and gang affiliations, I highly doubt he lost sleep over any of those media related problems. Beasley however was facing hardship after coming off an alright season being overshadowed by Rose, accumulation of stress, and drug related issues. In fact Beasley was so troubled that he checked himself into rehab. Trust me, Beasley had a way more difficult season because his troubles were personal and in the media. Rose's were all in the media and not the slightest bit personal.


Who is aware of who the Heat could pick? I could most likely get Michael Beasley for the Heat although. I imply, the Heat demands an within presence. With Shawn Marion and Dwyane Wade, Michael Beasley could excel with the Heat. As a lot as Derrick Rose is a glossy defend, Michael Beasley is similarly or extra spectacular as good. Now, ask. What do the Heat demands? They desire a banger within. And that invoice suits flawlessly for Beasley. I imply, Wade can manage the rock. If his healthful, I can see them making the playoffs. Dwyane is ala the brand new form of Kobe Bryant (the only guy reckon exhibit) with the Heat -- that's, if healthful.


Michael Beasely


Rose was percieved to be a very nice kid, and i'm sure he still is, but now it is put into question.

everybody knew Beasley still had to put his act together, and this was just anotehr step into the right direction (hopefully).

looks like both had equally difficult off-seasons, but Rose gets my pick, just because no one perceived him to be in such a situation. You coudl say the same for Beasley, but everyone knew that he did have some problems. Hopefully both keep their act together, since both are capable to do big things in the NBA!!!!!


Personally I think that it has been harder for Beasley because now the expectations and the questions will be even higher for him whereas Rose has already set the standards and has shown that the bulls didn't make a mistake taking him number one.

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