why is there a ring around the moon?

today at night i saw a ring around the moon and thought to myself are we gna die? i know stupid!

can someone please tell me what it is? what it do? everything it would be nice :)
thank you!


Favorite Answer

It is Moon halos which were caused by tiny ice crystals that have gathered twenty thousand feet above the ground, as thin, wispy clouds. These clouds are so thin, you might not notice them at night, if it weren’t for their effect on the moonlight. Incoming light rays from the moon are bent, or diffracted, by these ice crystals at an angle of 22 degrees. This means that in addition to the direct moonlight, you will also see diffracted moonlight in a circle 22 degrees away from the moon. This is about the distance of your fist, held at arm’s length. Like a rainbow, this halo can even be slightly colored; red on the inside, and blue on the outside.


There is no ring around the Moon. What you're seeing is light reflected from the Moon in the atmosphere in your particular location on Earth. This is due to ice particles at high altitude, and usually means that a change in weather is expected. It is strictly local to your location and, as I said, has absolutely nothing to do with the Moon. It's observed all the time, particularly in winter.

Learn a bit about local weather events, rather than assuming everyday events are going to make you die. Silly.


The ring is called a halo and it doesn't actually exist around the moon itself. It is an aberation of light caused by the earths atmosphere.

Elizabeth H2009-09-29T04:56:48Z

this is known as a Lunar halo which are mostly due to the refraction of moonlight (or sunlight) that passes through ice crystals present in thin clouds at the atmosphere(colored halos). Reflection of the light from the ice crystal faces (white halos) can also contribute to that beautiful effect. They are pretty common and can be seen whenever these clouds are present at the convenient position and the skies are clear.


There is no ring around the moon.

It's an optical illusion caused by the sun's light being reflected from the moon and diffusing through our atmosphere. Plus, your eye's natural interpretation of this diffusion can exaggerate this halo effect.

So, uh, no...we're not gonna die.


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