What's a good way to dehydrate peaches and other fruits?

I have a dehydrator and I've made jerky quite a few times, but I'm looking to expand beyond meats. I don't know the temperature or the time length for how to dehydrate any fruits, or what preperation there is. I'd really like to do peaches, bananas, or melon, but any fruits would do.

~*Dear Pru.~*2009-09-29T08:47:39Z

Favorite Answer

my dehydrator has a little list on the lid to instruct you on the times and temps if yours doesnt have this maybe look in the book that it came with


Just dont drink water all day that should dehydrate you pretty good you ****** fruit.

Happiest in the kitchen.2009-09-29T08:05:08Z

Look in your instruction manual or even google "dehydrating fruits"


Boil them slowly, maybe?