memory warning on internet?

I keep getting these warning messages when I'm on the internt saying there isn't enough memory lin 125, line 129, line 130 etc... Any idea what it means? I definitely have plenty of memory on my computer. I don't know if it matters, but the websites I'm on are Yahoo and Facebook.


Favorite Answer

This has nothing to do with your lap tops ram memory but with java script, web page language, and or the browser. It is annoying but will cause no problems to your lap top.
It usually occurs when working with websites, servers, web pages etc. Go to this site and see if it helps answer your question or contact customer service of the lap tops manufacturer.…

Fix, update your browser and Java Script.


That's a virus doing that, not the websites. I forgot what the virus is called but it's not really THAT bad it's just irritating and some forms will eventually slow your computer down. Download a malware program or virus scanner from the net. Make sure you read up on them first though, some are trash. I have Norton, which isn't free but there may be a free trial and it works great.


It's a problem with Facebook apps


It happens to me on Facebook all the time. I think it is the site, not your computer.


it is a problem with the web pages and the way they are being rendered. No worries

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