Red Hat Linux HW help?

I have this question on my homework and need some help. Using the PS command get list of daemons. Also id the rc / init files used to start the daemon and the unix command used to start the daemons.

I don't necessarily want the answer I just need some direction. Which PS switches should I use and how do I figure out which RC file launched each of the daemons? Please help!!


Favorite Answer

Have you even typed "man ps" yet? If you don't have a Fedora RHEL or CentOS system (and admittedly I'm writing this on Gentoo) there are LiveCDs available to gove you temporary systems. So boot up and type "man ps" where among other things you will find:

"To print a process tree:
ps -ejH
ps axjf

To get info about threads:
ps -eLf
ps axms"

If you can't handle man you will find the man page on the internet.