Why is American People so gulible as to believe the lies about 9/11?

How many people here have watched any of the videos or looked at any of the pictures taken on 9/11??
Most people in this country needs their tails whipped.


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Why are you so eager to believe lies about 9/11? You don't even say which of the 55 conspiracy theories you buy in to but I can guess you buy into one of them. Name it and I'll start rattling off the lies, distortions, and outright fabrications you have bought, that is, if you have the courage.


Sorry, but 9/11 was NOT an inside job.

Here's why:

CLAIM: The collapse looked like a “controlled demolition,” either by its speed, symmetry, debris pattern, or whatever.

FACT: This is a question for experts, not lay-people.

Fortunately, we have experts:
“Implosion World,” the leading demolition journal

NIST (National Institute of Science & Technology) explain how the buildings collapsed at
(Click on “Impact to collapse” )
(NIST has hundreds of scientists. Don't waste your breath saying they are all lying)
CLAIM: The fires in the towers weren’t hot enough to melt steel
FACT: No one ever said that steel melted at 9/11.

QUOTE “In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires.”

From Point 7 in

The reason that the towers collapsed was:

1) The jets first knocked out numerous supports when they flew into the towers.

2) This meant that the remaining supports were almost at their load-limit (they were supporting 200,000 tons)

3) The fires then caused the supports to weaken & bend
(Steel loses 90%, yes 90%, of its strength at 1100 deg C, which is the temp of an ordinary building fire. The steel did not "melt")

4) Photographs clearly showed the steel supports bending:

There was “…inward bowing of the exterior columns, reaching an observable maximum of about 55 in. near column 316 on the 96th floor. The inward deflection appeared to extend over the entire south face of the building at this time, and was visible between the 94th and 100th floors.”

From: NIST (National Institute of Science & Technology) NCSTAR 1-3 Section E.3.5

5) This bending was a sign of impending collapse which followed 5 minutes after the bending was observed.


in accordance to my aspects, the U. S. government actually is perpetuating those conspiracy theories that it grow to be an interior interest. the belief is to further the thought the government is in a position and useful sufficient to tug off such an difficult attack. yet in all honesty, STFU there is not extra info that the government did it than there is martians. Yay south park: He explains that the government actually runs each and every of the web pages that declare they have been responsible, making the conspiracy theories actually a central authority conspiracy themselves. the factor, Bush explains, is that, in view that one-fourth of people are "retarded" and could have faith conspiracies, the government needs them to have faith that that's all-useful and could desire to wreck out with the worst terrorist attack in historic past, on an identical time as they tell the different seventy 5% of the country the certainty—that 9/11 grow to be brought about (in Stan's words) via "a team of annoyed Muslims."


Dennis, The 9/11 untruth-ers are not gullible., A person needs to have a modicum of intelligence to be considered gullible. A three-year-old for instance could be fooled into thinking 1,300 cubic feet of jet fuel can turn a skyscraper of 50 million cubic feet into toxic talcum powder.
Adults have had eight years to learn jet-fuel-based fires can not exceed 1,800*F. The melting point of the towers steel was 2,700*F.

Adults also know that a one-hundred-ton aircraft can NOT knock-down a steel and concrete skyscraper weighing Half-a-Million-Tons.
Those who believe Mr Bush’s 9/11 Commission Report obviously haven’t got the intelligence to actually read it.

Only an infant could believe Bin Laden’s Afghan cavemen pulled-off 9/11. After eight long years every conscious person knows the Bush Gang invaded Afghanistan to install a puppet regime in Kabul, take control of the poppy fields and build the long planned (Chevron & Halliburton) pipelines from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan to Pakistani ports on the Indian Ocean.

Opium poppy growing, which the Taliban had all but stopped - by chopping the hands off those who grew it - has now become 90% of the Afghanistan Gross National Product. Ninety-percent of the world's illegal heroin is supplied by the US “government” in Kabul.

Bush supporters can fool preschoolers but they really shouldn’t expect adults to believe the official story after the chair and co-chair of the 9-11 Commission (Kean and Hamilton) wrote their book. Without Precedent, which details the 9/11 cover-up. The only reason they wrote the book was to avoid being charged with Treason when we get a President with a bone in his back who will order a proper investigation and send the perpertraters of 9/11 – the Bush Gang to the lethal injection room.


Because its much easier to point the finger at someone else than your own country. I'd be inclined to do the same.. I wouldn't wanna believe my government or what have you took any part or made any contribution to any event so terrible. I don't know the full story but their are certainly some suspicious things about 9/11 you can't deny... but it's a little hard to fathom.. I can see where they're coming from and as outsiders we aren't exactly in their shoes...

I can't justify the way they answer such questions as yours... man.. I'm not American but its pretty bloody irritating when you get such stupid responses... Booboo... are you serious? God you're an idiot... what the hell was that?

I feel for Americans for what happened in 9/11 but some of you... need to think a little..

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