David Letterman sex scandal - what do you think of it?

Admitting doing so is one thing, but could such a showman go scot free?

Maya R2009-10-03T08:10:09Z

Favorite Answer

As far as I know adultery is a sin, but one cannot be punished by the state for it, unlike some Muslim countries where one could be stoned to death.
I think the real punishment he will have to endure are the jibes of people in the media. Letterman himself often sneered at celebrities who got found out.


Here is my personal take on the whole thing:

The Top 10 Reasons David Letterman had sex with staffers:

10. No one wanted to have sex with him when he was a weatherman.

9. It all started as a "stupid human trick"

8. It gets old doing a monologue if you know what I mean?

7. When you've got World Wide Pants somebody is bound to get into them.

6. All those Monica Lewinsky jokes left him wondering.

5. It was "Hide the Salami" Tuesday down at the "Hello Deli".

4. Bristol Palin was already taken.

3. Paul had already written a catchy song for the bit:
(Sung enthusiastically) "Hey how would you like to have sex with David Letterman, SEX WITH DAVID LETTERMAN!, Oh yeah"

2. It was just part of New York City's new stimulus package.

And the number one reason David Letterman had sex with his staffers:

1. It was "Sweeps Week" and he needed a rise in the poll.


Dave has always been full of himself and condescending, which are both terrible qualities.

Few years ago, Madonna came on his show and blasted Dave on his age and still not being married.

Now he comes out about the affairs with female workers under him. Well, Dave always seemed like a douchebag.

People like him makes you wonder twice each time your mom or sister or wife steps out to go get a job and all the freaks they'll have to deal with.

No matter how funny and witty his jokes are, its hard to like or tune in to see the freak show that has been Dave all these years. They need to lock him up and throw away the keys. Let him do the top 10 from the big house and see how he responds to Bubba's sexual advances.


He was forced by circumstance to admit it. If he had not received the letter threatening blackmail, I don't think he would come out and admit his sexual episodes with co-workers.I wonder if the TV station he works for has a Sexual Discrimination Policy. All offices have it unless he is exempt from the provisions.The second part of your question is if he goes free...our society is unfortunately turning into one where your status in life dictates the kind of justice you get. It is where the President of the country re-defines the meaning of sexual relations and still remain in office as President. It is where other politicians violate their oath and the public trust and still insist on holding on to their positions. It is where professional athletes get a slap on the wrist for violations committed in and outside their sport. It is where celebrities are still patronized even if they have consistently shown indiscretions. In short, if you are a public figure, the law is applied differently and in your favor...To err is human but no matter how harsh the law is, it is the law.

CHAR L2009-10-03T08:05:54Z

The only two people Letterman has to answer to is himself and to his wife. If she chooses to stay with him than so be it..

I'm not condoning it but Your statement " Could such a showman go scot free" is pretty funny
What should do you want that he be placed in prison for screwing his co workers???

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