What do you think of Cantwell's alternative to Waxman-Markey?

Sen. Maria Cantwell has proposed a simpler alternative (called CLEAR) to the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill (called ACES). Key points:
1. Carbon is emission is capped at the source point rather than the use point: mines, wellheads, and shipping terminals. Thus only a few thousand control points rather than hundreds of thousands.
2. All producers must buy credits, no producer exempt. (Under ACES, as much as 85% exempt.)
3. Seventy five percent of revenues generated returned to legal US residents on a per-capita basis, to offset electric rate hikes.
4. Equivalent tax on carbon-produced imports from countries that do not have a similar system. Import tax eliminated when a country adopts a similar system.

CLEAR is 32 pages long, compared to 1427 pages for ACES.

Your opinions?






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Well, it's obviously a much simpler proposal, which is good. Fewer opportunities for loopholes and more transparency. I like the fact that ACES utilizes a lot of the funds for investment in efficiency programs, renewable energy, alternative fuel vehicle R&D, etc. While retuning most of the money directly to consumers is simpler, it doesn't help them become more energy efficient the way the ACES provisions do.

A combination of the two bills would be nice, making ACES simpler but preserving the provisions which fund green energy programs.

Author Unknown2009-10-04T12:14:07Z

I'm not quite sure how you would cap it at the source point. Let's face facts, what Cantwell is proposing is in fact a carbon tax. It's called a cap and trade but this is not that simple.
Is it a good idea? Well actually it doesn't sound too bad, but I would have to sit down a nd read the entire document to get a real handle on what is being proposed. I have always been in favour of a carbon tax, especially if it offers offsets for the consumer. A program like this encourages innovation without doing damage to the consumer.


Snitch cracker boy

n mick2009-10-04T11:21:48Z

sorry dont know the answer