America NO LONGER a SUPERPOWER, consensus on Stephanopolis?

We hunters understand and use Supermagnums, both handgun such as my own 43 Winter Special wildcat (big 5 capable, international 10 inch single shot barrel class), or the 7mm Magnum 700 yard deer rifle which has joyfully caused more scope cuts than any other gun in history. So our experience and acclimation to the concept qualifies our opinions on this subject more than any other social group. So what do we say to this new downgrade of America? If the USA isn't a Superpower, then who is?


Details on the 43 Winter Special development story spread out in article #6 in and scroll down a lot.


Lincoln talked a good govern.

Bear Crap2009-10-04T12:56:36Z

Favorite Answer

Pure bullzhit! China, USA and Russia are still the worlds superpowers, with USA #1 China #2 and Russia a weak #3. China has us out numbered with number of troops and some equipment such as numbers of tanks. But the USA has far more sophisticated weaponry and better world military info structure, and air superiority than any nation on earth. But the Chinese are catching up at a very fast rate! In fact they plan on having a lunar colony set up in the next 20 years {as in military base.}
One of the things that concernes me and friends who try to keep up with this arms race is a superpowers ability in manufacturing. And its here that the USA is in danger. Since we outsource so many things to other nations we don’t have the manafactoring might we once had. If global war broke out we would face the fact that much of our gear is made overseas. In WW2 we converted factories to make military equipment and were able to produce what we needed. All it would take is for an enemy to take the small countries that produce our gear and we would be in bad shape.
So I think this outsourcing is placing us in danger. We need to give incentives for corporations to manufacture here in the USA. It would provide jobs and would be available should we need Uncle Sam to take it over for military production in an emergency as we did in the world wars before.

I have many friends in the military. You would be shocked at what we have now. We are actually better armed for a fight with a world power than we are for insurgents. If we wanted to we could fry Iran with microwaves and leave every building standing. We have new ultra light compact laser technology that will be included in fighter jets arsenal. We have robots that are actually terminators, robot flying insects for recon, robot fish, drone planes and this area is growing very fast. Not far from now a million armed Chinese solders in the field could face tens of thousands of high tech terminators, impervious to small arms fire, programmed to kill. We even have some robots now that can use human flesh as fuel
Imagine the psychological effect on the enemy when our machine are eating them!

Listen to this;,2933,496309,00.html

We are the one who will have these killing machine in place within 15 years or less. I fact we have some now that are being tested in real battle.
Yes we are still a super power and we are getting stronger. We spend more on our military might than any other nation;

Add to that the millions of gun owners and we are a formable nation to deal with!


we are still the worlds only superpower, the world still uses the dollar for all international business I have been to Europe, Asia and South America and everywhere I went the dollar was not only recognized but I could use it in many businesses.
Our Military is the strongest most technologically advanced in the world, we defeated 2 countries military simultaneously no country has ever successfully done that and we've done it twice (WWII and war on terror)
we have the most productive workforce in the world.
I think what they were referring to this morning was that we are scaling back on our world influence now meaning it's time some other countries began stepping up to solve the problems of the world and stop counting on us to solve the worlds problems, China and India are perfectly capable of resolving the conflicts in Africa, and Europe needs to step up and help with the Middle East. I don't mind helping out a neighbor but if I'm always helping the same 2 or 3 neighbors constantly then the rest of the neighborhood needs to step up or those neighbors need to start helping themselves.
nuff said that's my tyraid for the week.


If we aren't, who's to stop us? Russia? China? Middle East? Or a combination of all three? That's what we are fighting now. Everyone of these has contributed something to the fight against us. And yet we help them. Where is the Reagan administration when you need it? Where is the George S.Patton on the battle fronts? I'll tell you, out of the way for the moralist socialist government that thinks leignacy is a way of life were it counts. You can't worry about other countries when you can't help your own. And you sure as H*** can't fight a war if your not allowed to win it. Our tactics are pathetic. Simply because someone doesn't like blood or is afraid to die. People better wake up, because it's getting closer to your door step than you think. When they think they can take advantage of you they usually will. Just look at all the threats and provoctions from Russia and the middle east. Georgia, Poland, Czeq Republics, Iran, Korea, Afgan. Always testing the weakness of our country. Sooner are later they will push it. Are you ready? You better be, you may very well be in my shoes one day experiencing it or your children or grand children? You don't think they aren't watching you, you are sadly mistaken. And our government trying to take away our arms. Yea, the other countries can't wait either. That's what makes us strong, that's what really scares the h*** out of em. God and your guns, you better have one of em. Preferbaly both!


* The Real Truth is few if any Governments in the World, ours included that ignores, violates, and refuses to Live up to its Constitution can avoid a Civil War, Insurrection, Rebellion, or Revolution with the conditions like the ones our Politicians of both Parties have manufactured, and created.* " The People are the Masters of Congress, and the Courts not to Overthrow the Constitution but to Overthrow the Men who would Pervert it."<> Abraham Lincoln.*." The Price of Freedom is sometimes paid for in True Patriots Blood, Gun Smoke, and Bullets in order to Maintain or Restore ones Freedoms, Rights, and Liberty's.".. " Only a Criminal, Tyrant, or a Tyrannical Government is Afraid of the Armed American Citizen."........." Try Living Free in America Without Your Guns and Your Ammo; I Dare You."... " Free Men don't need Any-ones Approval, or Permission; " To Keep And Bear Arms."...


Superpower is a word that was used to describe countries with Atomic powers and there are several on earth at this time.
Some of the countries are like children with loaded guns and can hurt themselves and others, while other countries go from children to adults to children much like our country did from Clinton to Bush to Obama.

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