When throwing a party when do you send out the invites?

Im having a party on November 19th when should i sent out the invites


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If it's a big party, I would say right now since your guests will need time to pick buy a new outfit or a gift. Aso, they're more likely to make plans for that date the longer you wait. If you're mailing them you have to allow for a few business days of delay. For a smaller get together or a backyard party, I would say three weeks to a month beforehand.


If your having a party on the 19th of November, it would be smart for you to send the invites out on October 31st and have them RSVP by the 15th of November or somewhere close to there


I would say about a week or two before the party so they would have time to decide what to wear and what to give to you and if they can go


i'd say one - two weeks before

its you send it out sooner ppl will forget
but if you send them out like a day in advance no one will go b/c it takes time to buy a present, etc.

louis frey2009-10-07T15:23:19Z

2 to 3 weeks prior. so they can make space on there daily agenda

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