Anyone use goodstart for reflux?

Just wondering if it helped or not...


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My son has reflux and Goodstart did not help at all. In fact, it made him much gassier than other formula did. His pedi ultimately switched us to Gentlease for his belly problems and Zantac for his reflux. He has done much better!


My son's ped said that changing formula won't make a difference. He said that reflux in babies can be cured 90% of the time by feeding your baby less, not as frequently. In our case, we were feeding my 3 month old son 4 oz every 3 hours or so and sometimes if he was crying and showing signs of being hungry we'd feed him in between as well. Well the doc said decrease the amount to 3 oz every 4 hours and don't give any in between. Prop him up during his feed and for 30 mins after each feed. Burp him frequently during each feeding. Many parents mistake rooting for being a hunger cue, when its actually just a reflex that all babies have even if you just touch their cheek. So parents will instead feed their baby more which in turn makes the reflux worse.Babies will want to eat more just to soothe the pain and burning from the stomach acid sloshing up and down their throats.
And he said the other 10% of babies where that technique doesn't help, they have to go on medication such as baby zantac.