What is the least painful way to do a breast biopsy?

I recently found a lump on my chest and was thinking of getting a breast biopsy done. I'm a wimp though, and was just wondering, out of Fine-needle aspiration, core needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy or open/surgical biopsy, which would be the least painful?

Personal experiences with any of these choices is greatly appreciated :)


Favorite Answer

Your doctor will know the best type of biopsy.None of them are particularly painful, getting a diagnosis is most important.A fine needle biopsy takes the smallest sample, sometimes insufficient to make a diagnosis.All use local anesthetic except for an open biopsy which usually is done with general anesthesia.I have had a open biopsy, went to work the next day and a core biopsy- in the morning and went to work immediately after.


It won't be up to you to decide what type of biopsy they do anyway. That will be up to your doctor and make sure that he does the one that he feels is the most accurate.