how to spell the word tailors use for a small amount?

Please don't be offended, for some senses of different ways to spell this are slang for private parts.

When a tailor says "I can take it in a 'skootch'", how is the word 'skootch' properly spelled. Is it Yiddish or not? Has anyone else ever heard this term?


Favorite Answer

this is all I could find
Main Entry: scooch
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a small amount or distance
Example: Move it a scooch to the left.
Usage: slang


Curiously there is a Japanese word skosh, but it is pronounced differently that means the same thing.

Main Entry: skosh
Pronunciation: \ˈskōsh\
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese sukoshi
Date: 1952

: a small amount : bit, smidgen —used adverbially with a <just a skosh bit shook — Josiah Bunting>

It was used in print in Jeans commercials which said, it has a skosh more room.