How can the Nobel Comittee choose someone that had yet to do ANYthing promoting peace?

Obama has talked a good game . . . . or B.S.ed a good game. Now the Nobel Prize comittee has chosen him???? For what?????
Please tell me that what I have heard is a cruel hoax and that someone that at least has some history of promoting peace beyond talking about it has won. . . . . .
What is this world coming to?
The U.S. remains at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though he got elected on the LIE that the troops would be withdrawn. The U.S. Congress has YET to pass ANY law reducing carbon emissions even though he was elected on the LIE that there would be emissions laws that rivaled California's. And there has been NO significant reduction in global nuclear stockpiles since Obama took office. What gives?


Favorite Answer

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. PLUS this guy was nominated two weeks after taking office. And what, pray tell, had he done in two weeks?! It's insane. Completely insane.


It's a nice guesture. And I don't have anything against Obama. I am NOT making a comparison here...but keep this in mind in regards to awards etc..

Hitler was Time Life "Man of the Year" in 1938.

People are honored for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes it's just political.


Because during 8 yrs of Bush administration the World's opinion of the US plunged drastically, while during only the 8 mo. of Obama the opinion of the world about us has been drastically elevated. Nobel Committee is famous for giving awards to those who promise to continue working on achieving the World Peace.


It's all political, look at who has won the prize in the past...and for the lame reasons why.

Just trying to be honest here!2009-10-09T06:15:21Z

because he is a president that happens to be half black.

he did not deserve to win.

Once again too much importance on race. He is just a guy who cares he happend to be 50% black?!?

hate all you like.

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