Obama Nobel Peace Prize.....?


Mr Obama has spoken extending friendship to the Muslim World
Where has the friendship gone, just two days into his Presidency he
dropped bombs in Pakistan. Never heard of that did you.
Bloody Media.
Why the heck does he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.???
'Obama be a man' Stop the war


People his going to be far more worse than George Bush.
USA Government are Freemason's
New World Order.
I'm just warning just watch what's going to happen in the coming years.


The Nobel Peace Prize was last decently given in 2005
The prize was awarded jointly to:

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY and MOHAMED ELBARADEI for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.




Nazia {Backup Account}2009-10-09T09:57:22Z

Favorite Answer

Obama is a fake


The Award was a slap across the face of the prior administration. A message to the right wing conservatives. I agree with it. He was given the Award because he has had the courage to reach out to all people; particularly Muslims.

He was awarded the prize because of his outlook and desires and efforts to bring a semblance of peace.

No one should blame him for the wars, he did not frigging start it. The war mongers did. As for Pakistan, it needs to take a lead in killing the extremists before they bring total disaster to Pakistan. I have no sympathy for the extremists, neither do Pakistanis nor the rest of the world. We all know that innocent people die in a war, U.S. is doing all it can to avoid it. There are no carpet bombings going on.


Obama Nobel Peace Prize nothing compared to Ghandi no Peace Prize. Really shows you what they are about.

Obama Nobel Peace Prize.....?


Obama is both directly and indirectly responsible for many deaths. He shouldnt even have been even thought of as being elligible for the peace prize.

he speaks of a world without wmds, yet america has enough wds to destroy the world over.

the UN goes into Iraq to search for their wmds but the US has immunity from this.

He fights against terrorists, yet is not condemned for the innocents killed.

he shouldn't even have accepted the award.


Given the nobel prize for talking with country leaders is not worth the peace prize. I'm going to venture a guess here that Obama has never gotten his hand's dirty trying to help anyone he was not related to.

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