cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat?

my cat made its tail poofy for a couple of seconds. it looks like the fur was standing. what does that mean???


Favorite Answer

Attack mode?


Oh yes! All the time lol, it makes me jump up with fright and say sorry (cats name) and then I realise it is just one of the cats rubber balls that I am stepping on. It is so funny when that happens! lol

Mystic Shiva Says2009-10-10T08:34:13Z

Wow, for the first time no one answered this in a sexual way. Ussually they have for questions regarding cats, which what made me come here, not in a perverted way though, simply to see the creativity of people, know what I mean ? People in yahoo have ways to make their answers fun.

ahhhhhhh so much for stereotyping, hmmm who knows someone just might later on ha ha ha

hey they guy above me beat my posting by a second lol. see I know someone would answer this, Human Nature LOL, sometimes stereotyping works too. he he he


Your cat is either scared or angry. The chances are that it is scared because if it was angry, it would be puffed up for longer than a few seconds.


When my cat's tail poofs up it means he is scared of something.

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