Which toe is your favorite, and why?

Mine's my big toe. If I drop something, bam! My big toe has my back and picks it up. Talk to the big toe if you need to wear sandals.

meg [mommy to arthur 7/132009-10-13T10:29:47Z

Favorite Answer

The smallest toe on my left foot, because I broke it in April and it got me 2 days off school and 3 weeks off PE. It hurt loads but it was worth it:D


My big toe takes the brunt of most of the stuff I drop on my feet and when I stub my toes it's aways the one to get injured.. however my big toe is square and ugly so I'm going to put it out there and say my second toe in is my favourite. I also dislike my smallest toe as the toenail is just too small for my liking.

Kaylee(not a penguin)2009-10-13T17:29:06Z

I have two toes that are webbed together. On both feet. So I like them because their special. Then again, when you say such wonderful things about your big toe.. I have to reconsider..

you're such a nerd2009-10-13T17:27:53Z

I don't have a favorite toe but if I had to choose then it would be my pinky toe. I don't really think about that.

just me2009-10-13T17:34:45Z

Gee! i didn't know there are people in this world who talk to their " "toes". Aren't there more important things to do ?

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