Did anyone really believe that kid was in that balloon?

Hell an old episode of MythBusters pretty much took care of this for me. no way that balloon was big enough to carry away a kid of 6 years.


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haha exactly. i saw that episode. these people were dumbasses to think that a KID is in that balloon. the helium wouldve killed him anyways XD

grandma zaza2009-10-16T07:55:26Z

Another case of the stupid media looking for a good "story". They wanted a kid in that balloon. Most stations did not take a commercial break for the entire 2 hours that balloon was in the air so they wouldn't miss a kid falling out to his death. Sick!!

Thank God he wasn't. That would have been the ride of his life. Did you see how fast that thing was going? Holy crap!

Reagan '122009-10-16T07:52:13Z

I figured he was hiding somewhere all along, but now the question is whether the parents were in on it too as a publicity stunt. I knew he couldn't have flown away in it because how do two young kids buy a balloon like that, set it up, fill it with helium and then try to fly it without the parents knowing???

Noah H2009-10-16T08:00:43Z

It was hard to tell how big the balloon was from its TV image. A balloon 20 feet across could possibly pick up a small boy...and that was the size first reported. As it turned out 20 feet was the 'circumference', or the distance around...a big difference. It was a cool looking balloon though. I want one!


No choice but to believe it when I heard it on radio reporting, but when it was seen on tv everywhere, I said no way can that lift a boy or a dog either, that high that quickly. How many weather balloons did it take to lift that guy on a lawn chair? One weather balloon was bigger than that weighted flying saucer when blown up.

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