Having Pain in breast?
Over a month ago I had a blocked duct and it took a lot of pumping and nursing to get it out. Well my nipple was a little sore after that and I just thought it was because of the plugged duct. Well then pain never went away and it got worse. After two weeks I went to my regular dr and she said it looked red but nothing major. I went on anti-biotics for a week. It did not get better so I called a lactation consultant and she told me to just pump off that breast for a couple of days. It did get better. I met with her after a couple of days and she said my baby was latching correct and everything looked fine. (My baby is 8 months old) So I went back to nursing on that breast. Well after week it started to hurt again. Now it is hurting a lot again so I decided to try just pumping again. Well when I started pumping there was some blood in the milk. I am just wondering what could be going on.
My nipple looks pretty much normal. It is not cracked or anything. So I am not sure and my baby does not have anything in her mouth.