Dana i think has his head up his ***. he has been talking about "i love this sport, its not all about the money, its about progressing the sport"
how does signing and paying a tomato can like kimbo do any thing for the sport?
how does letting a fighter like hendo go do anything for the sport other then save a few bucks in the full spectrum of things?
how about this Dana, put hendo in the cage with kimbo and let them fight (i know they are different weight classes) and when hendo stomps kimbo into the cage so hard gold teeth are laying all over the arena then you can give the deserving fighter the contract.
i realize this was a rant but i am honestly asking the question, What is dana thinking and do u think his recent actions are good for the sport?
not so simple because kimbo has not improved. i dont c him winning the comp if he does ill eat those words but im positive he wont win. kimbos ground game has had 2 years to improve. 2 years is plenty of time to have learned the basic escapes and defensive moves to avoid a crucifix twice. how can u sit there and say he has improved when he threw a lazy knee against a dude who is a BJJ black belt who has been trying to take u down the whole time?
as far as brock and kimbo. brock is a division one wrestling champ. not just a big dude who wrestles. he had some significant talent and the ability to take on legends. kimbo couldnt knock out a dude who stood infront of him the whole fight with a water balloon for a ear and got K.Oed by a jab in 14 seconds.
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iTotally agree, but iDont think negotiations between Hendo and Zuffa have permanently been stopped. Its mainly about the money, Kimbo has drawing power. iDont know what is up with Dana, first the Rampage thing and now this
its not all about the sport in the end ufc is a business so yeah Dana has to do business. I do agree that it was a horrible idea to let Hendo go but stuff like that happens all the time, Dan will in all likely hood be re-signed really soon. As far as kimbo goes, well Dana gave him his chance on the ultimate fighter, if he comes back cause someone is injured and he wins then he deserves his contract as well. Kimbo did actually improve a lot to his credit, but the ground takes a long time to develop. At the same time to a lesser extent the same could be said for Brock lesnar, although he had a solid base, the only reason he got thrown into the title mix so soon was his name otherwise all hes is, is just a big big BIG guy with good wrestling. Kimbo is pretty old to be starting his career but hes got a big name also one or two solid wins, improved ground, and he could be competing for a title, Hendo will be re-signed mainly cause hes got lots of support and theres no way he'll reduce himself to places like strike force, so effectively your rant was sorta useless cause all the answers are simple
we all need to remember this is still a money making business.yes hendo would kill kimbo.but can he beat him in ratings..no.tuf 10 has the best ratings ever.And if kimbo is worth more in ratings to the ufc then a cheaper kimbo is worth more than an expensive hendo. Yeah ,its not fair to us or the fighters but the equation is simple.ppv buys Times 45 dollars divided by the salary of the fighters on the main event.In hendos case this may be he earns 1%of the ppv he generates,in kimbos case he prob earns about .01 %of the ppv revenues he generates.(kimbo worth more for business)
Don't kid yourself. It is definitely about the money. And that goes for all sports, too. If people stopped watching and attending football games, the sport would quickly wither and die. MMA is no different. No one is going to spend millions on promoting something wtihout expecting back more in return.
That being said, that doesn't mean the sport can't be honest.
The reason Dana wants Kimbo is because he is a good draw. People want to see him fight, and so do I. And don't worry, if he repeatedly gets his butt kicked, he'll be out of the UFC in no time.
you know i agree with you a lot bro. but why is all this kimbo hate? i meen i think kimbo could be a decent undercard fight man. i thank weave all seen that hell never be a champ but hes trying. kimbo looks to be just an undercard fighter...whats the big old deel? youre a loyal mma fan right? as for any sport in the mane stream its about money bro... he wants mma to be popular though as whell... as for brock lesnar hes the champ! end of story... he didnt desearve the shot? hes not exsperienced enoughf? BUT he did beet who he hadda beet so what does it matter? i understand where youre comming from man but seriously why so much hatin on em? its really no big deel. az for dan hendo im shure hell b back...and as far as rampage...danas right in some ways about it...if rampage doessent wanna focus on fighting and act then get outta here....