what is a great bible study for wives?

I am starting a bible study for wives in my area. I want something that teaches us how to be a great wife and how to keep passion alive in a marriage. Anybody know of a great bible study out there?


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why so mad?
also use upperroom.com monthly devotional mag. It has cool stuff in the back.


Proverbs 31, its the story of the Virtuous Woman who's price is far above Rubies. This Chapter defines the type of woman we should all strive to be to our familly/household the mother, wife, worker, etc. There are several free resources online to assist in your studies feel free to ask if you'd like some help in locating them.



All the good stuff about womens responsibilities in the Bible, including

God punishes Eve, and all women after her, with the pains of childbirth and subjection to men

Jacob has two wives and two concubines, continuing the biblical tradition of polygamy

God defines the value of human life in dollars and cents. Of course, to God, females are worth considerably less than males (50 - 60%) -- but neither are worth much.

God will cause the daughters of Rabbah to be burned with fire. 49:2

A good man never gets near a menstruating woman. 18:5-6

Q&A Queen2009-10-19T09:08:42Z

Proverbs chapter 31

Rico Toasterman JPA2009-10-19T09:07:17Z

The Song of Solomon

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