what are the democrats thinking?

they have stopped everyone from smoking cigarettes in public,raving how second hand smoke is so bad, and now they are thinking of making pot legal, for medical purposes, everyone will be sick now and have a doctors excuse to smoke pot, how stupid are they


i know this is not a demo v reps, but it is the democrats that are changing the laws on smoking pot,
it has been proven medicaly that smokink pot kills brain cells, and you say it doesnt cause cancer or been proven to, neither has cigaretts, that is why they use words likew (may cause )
and to the one u said another right wing nut to say no, well thats the biggest problem we have in this country is no is not said enough


Favorite Answer

They aren't thinking-that's the problem.


2 questions here.

1) Q: What are democrats thinking?
A: Man I'm awesome, everyone should be like me

2) Q: How stupid are they?
A: Some are pretty smart. Some are pretty stupid. Some fall in between.

PS: The anti-smoking movement isn't a democrat v republican thing. In Georgia, the republican governor signed anti-smoking laws in during his first term.

Your inner Jedi. ☮2009-10-19T13:42:58Z


1) Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf, of
the plant. The bud contains only 33% as much tar as tobacco.

2) Marijuana smokers do not smoke anywhere near as much as tobacco smokers, due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

3) Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to marijuana use.

4) Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of the small air passageways in the lungs.


We just want to piss off the republicans.
No really. There is a HUGE difference in smoking (cigarettes and marijuana) in public, and smoking in your own home. No one else should risk their health for someone's DISGUSTING cigarette habit. So, whatever the habit may be, do it on your own property, not in a public place.

i kissed her cold face2009-10-19T13:53:21Z

another right wing nut from the party of no!

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