Murder across state lines?

Ok this is a stupid hypothetical, but it popped up in my mind and I was just wondering.

If a murder was to occur on the state boundry lines, with the murderer being in 1 state, and the victim being a few feet away in another state, who's jurisdiction would it fall under? Would it be the state the murderer was in, the victim's state or would it become a federal case because it was technically across state lines?

Again, this is a dumb hypothetical, but I love what if questions sometimes.


Favorite Answer

Both states can charge the suspect, or he can be charged federally.

This happened recently in my area, where a gunman in Wisconsin shot at several people who were swimming in the Menominee River, which separates Wisconsin and Michigan.

Once he received a life sentence in Wisconsin, Michigan decided not to go through the time and expense of another trial.


The murder occurred where the victim was murdered. If the perp was in one state and shot the victim in another state, the murder occurred i the other state...the bullet crossed state lines to hit the victim.

- Stuart


The shooter's state where the act that caused the death occurred. What would happen if you shot someone on your side of the state line and he staggered to the next state to die.