I'm in favor of the "Red State" politics, but what would be a better name?

The 2000 election brought out a group that is willing to fight for the constitution, work and give their lives to maintain freedom, religious practice, and moral conduct. The leaders we elected betrayed those ideals, however. What could we call the "Red Stater" party? It's not the same as Libertarian or Constitution. It's more the "Contract With America, '94election" party. I have divorced the Republican party. I need an organization I can look to for leadership without corruption, who will support and submit to term limits, and who strive for less government and fiscal responsibility. Am I in lala? What could we call this political party?


Favorite Answer

Take a look at the Modern Whig party.


The Theocratic Party. But it's goals would be in direct violation of the Constitution, and Freedom they would want is the Freedom to make others comply with their way of life.


It seems in some respects Libertarian, but you are not consistent enough for that. You need to realize that "religious practice" is NOT the proper province of government. It is up to US, in the private sector, to decide for ourselves what religious practices to have, and as a free man, I have decided "None" and resent any government that preaches at me or favors any religion at all.


The politics of tough love


Except the "red states" are have-not states. If every state was a red state, where would the red states get their money from?