have echo pb200 hand held leaf blower that won't start?

It sounds like it will start but never seems to catch. It is an older model and has never had any work done on it, because it always worked. I'm thinking air or fuel filter, because it almost sounds like it is getting flooded when i try to start. Help, don't know where to begin taking it apart

Discover More2009-10-22T01:19:22Z

Favorite Answer

check your air filter and spark plug first.if they are okay it most likely needs the carburetor rebuilt.


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have echo pb200 hand held leaf blower that won't start?
It sounds like it will start but never seems to catch. It is an older model and has never had any work done on it, because it always worked. I'm thinking air or fuel filter, because it almost sounds like it is getting flooded when i try to start. Help, don't know where to begin taking it...


stick something up the muffer sometimes dirtdibers can stop it up and it want start.